Alumni Association
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The need to setup an Alumni Association emerged from the needs expressed by the
FAEA scholars that the programme has made a real difference in their lives. They have expressed a desire to maintain contact with the organization and contribute in whatever ways they can. Networking among 230 FAEA scholars through an Alumni Association has been achieved this year. We look forward to an active relationship with Alumni to
facilitate the consolidation of the identity of the foundation. The association is also expected to create a strong sense of involvement among the students. Further the foundation would like to help students define their goals and achieve new standards in their academic careers. The foundation organises alumni meet to reconnect with the students. We had our last Alumni meet in January 2009 and we hope to organize another next year.
It is heartening to note that our Alumni have also started contributing to FAEA funds in their own way. We also look forward to their greater participation and patronage in the future.
“FAEA has been helping poor and deprived bright student to build their future and prepare them to stand before the big challenges in academic life. I am very fortunate to be a FAEA scholar. Hope this foundation will continue its outstanding service in future also to help the needy student”
Vinod Kumar Ahirwar
“Your organization's mission of helping bright students with low family background is really appreciable and making many talented children to come up.”
Naveen Kumar K